Going Nowhere Slowly
Why is it that when singers do acoustic versions, do they feel the need to sloowwwww waaaaaaaayyy down?
Go ahead – use your artistic freedom and flare to spice the song up a bit – like the way Billy Joel does with Piano Man. But please try to remember, the reason why you got this acoustic gig is because we liked the original song so much. So at least try to make it resemble the original. I love the new “Chariot” song by Gavin DeGraw.
Heck, I love Gavin DeGraw! He is great, and totally cute, and he is friends with Zach Braff, so it makes me like him 10 times more. (Zach actually directed the video for Chariot!)

It was soooo slow!
And his guitar playing didn’t even remotely go with his singing. Not even close, it sounded like he was playing a totally different song! We get it buddy – you are an artist – you can probably sing scat if you wanted to. But please – you are still just a little fish.
You need to win us over before we’ll go along with your random wailing.
Speaking of annoying acoustic versions, does it bother anyone else that Alanis Morissette has released “The Jagged Little Pill – The Acoustic Version”? It is the EXACT same 12 songs as the original “Jagged Little Pill” that she put out like 10 years ago! She just sings them acoustically this time around. Are you kidding me? You are basically a one hit wonder. Well, really a one album wonder. But you haven’t done anything that anyone has even heard of since then! And now you think that you are good enough to re-release this album? Who do you think you are? Eric Clapton? The Rolling Stones?
I am sorry little miss angry, but are you kidding me?
Even the album cover has barley changed:
Ok, so here’s the really bad part – they are actually playing this new version of “you oughta know” on the radio! Come on people! This song was pretty good back in the day – but now? NO! She is old and washed up and clinging onto an audience that doesn’t want her!
On a happier note, the BEST SHOW EVER was on last night! LAGUNA BEACH, baby!!!
Last night was the premier of the second season. I LOVE this show!
And last nights episode was FANTASTIC!
Last season we watched a great love triangle between LC, Stephen and Kristin.
This season promises to have much more drama between these three! And there are some new hot kids in town to spice things up. So you guys should really watch it!
And, for anyone that wants to give me a present, just cause – you should totally buy me the first season DVD. And I will seriously be your friend.
The Gorgeous LC
Smokin' Hot Stephen (yummy!)
That skanky bitch, Kristin
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