Mexican Shits
So one of my best friends just returned from her honeymoon.
Here’s a recent IM exchange we had:
Can I tell you how sick I am of having the Mexican shits?
Both Spencer and I have still not shit normal- its getting old.
I mean all the wonderful colors are great- but my God the burning is uncalled for...
We have been home almost a week now- and still no solid shits... I could really go for a shit where I had to push instead of running to the bathroom cuz you’re afraid to fart cuz it might leak out...ok enough details on the Mexican shit.
Oh no! That is hilarious! Can I quote you on that in my blog?
Ya, sure.
Oooo, can you send me a pic. of you guys in Mexico?
I even have one of me on the toilet or one of our Mexican shit. It is sooo gross but you can have it- if you want.
OH MY GOD! You do????????????????
Ya...that is Spencer for ya. Not my idea at all- but I guess I am the one that kept it…it made me laugh too hard so I had to keep it. I know we are an odd couple... but you just don’t understand the Mexican shits- you would have taken a pic. too, for how much time you spent on the toilet.
Oh dear lord - that is the grossest thing I have ever seen!
I can't believe how open you are about this stuff! So f-ing funny!
Ok now - the shit picture is Spencers NOT mine! And the sad thing is that is a second flush... so if you saw the first one... OH MY GOD!!

I had the shit picture on here - but it was just too nasty! But if you really really want to see it - click here
I didn't even know you also had a blog. But the mexican shits is pretty damn funny but also one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. By the way I didn't get this joke that Ry said to me about the mexican shits until just now.
Holy crap (pun intended) that was funny! I can so relate, especially about being afraid to fart, too funny!
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