
So this morning on the Today show, they had an entire segment dedicated to Cougars. No, not the Felis concolor, but the nickname now used to describe women in their 40’s who are in search of younger men. They are the ones traveling in packs, wearing clothes that are too tight, too young and far too shinny. Faces painted, hair poofy, bad dance moves & just generally trying way too hard. Oh, and a cigarette hanging off their lip at ALL times.
I immediately had two reactions to this story:

At first I was angry – what the heck? I have been using this term for 5 years!!! Ever since Emilee and I heard it in Cabo San Lucas on my 21st birthday. We heard it from some Canadian fellas who owned a bar and would stop the music to growl if a pack of cougars entered the dance floor. A nickname’s coolness plummets when it gains national recognition. This was one of my words! Katie Couric, you can’t steal it!
My second reaction was – SEE! HA! I told you Cougars was a good term! I have tried to convince most of my friends to use this term, but to no avail. Julie, Mande and Amanda however, have embraced this term, and now the rest of you should too!
Our rendition of cougars…