I'm no Mekhi Phifer

On the way home, I stopped to get gas.
I live in a decent neighborhood. But as soon as you get out of the residential area, the main roads start to get a bit seedy.
It was around 10:30pm, and I pulled into a 7-11 near 38th & Federal.
I left the keys in the ignition and the tried to use my debit card at the pump.
But it gave me that annoying “please see cashier” message.
So I left my keys in the ignition with the car unlocked.
I thought about taking them out, but figured it was ok, since it would be such a quick trip inside.
So I went inside and waited for the girl to finish filling the Slurpee machine, or whatever the hell she was doing. I was signing the receipt when I looked outside and saw this big navy blue Tahoe with dark tinted windows pull up.
They pulled into the station from the opposite direction, so as the driver came to a stop, his car door was parallel with my driver door.
I decided it looked kinda fishy, and I think I mummbled, “what the?” under my breath. The girl behind the counter said, “Yeah – you should go out there.”
So I quickly walked out to see what was going one, and I was walking, the passenger got out of the Tahoe and walked around to my car!
He opened the door and was starting to get in!
And I said, (in the firmest yet non threatening voice I could muster) "Excuse me, can I help you with something?"
The guy just looked at me, got out of my car, slammed the door closed, ran back around the back of the SUV, got in & they sped away!
The girl working there came out and was like, “Are you ok?”
And I was fine – I just had so much adrenaline running through my body!
I could have run like 8 miles!
How scary! I bet you don't leave your keys in the car anymore.
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